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Access Open Banking Data Across Southeast Asia

Key Benefits

  • Retrieve real-time bank data across Southeast Asia. We enable fintechs and lenders to make better risk decisions by accessing real-time financial account data from consumers and businesses across Southeast Asia, covering over 40 banks and payment wallets in six countries.
  • Instantly understand your customers’ financial profile. Our platform returns key financial data on each linked account including real-time account balances, transaction and balance history (for up to 24 months), bank statements, account holder identity and estimated income.

“Granular transaction data on our customers is an invaluable source of understanding a potential borrower’s current income, liabilities, and ability to repay. It’s improved our detection of over-indebted profiles by 40% compared to using only self-reported and credit bureau data.”


The Leading Open Banking Platform for Southeast Asia

Finverse provides region-wide access to consumer and business financial account data across Southeast Asia. Our API allows fast retrieval of permissioned bank data (account balances, transactions, statements, identity, income), enabling FinTechs and Lenders to build real-time risk decisions for underwriting, account opening and eKYC/eKYB. Finverse currently covers over 40 banks and payment wallets in 6 countries, including top banks in Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Vietnam.


About Finverse

  • Services:

    • Account aggregation
    • Bank statement analysis
    • Income estimation
  • Countries Supported:

    • Hong Kong
    • Indonesia
    • Malaysia
    • Philippines
    • Singapore
    • Vietnam