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Decisioning Data Marketplace

Provenir Marketplace

Use our Global Data Marketplace to find new data partners and test data across decisioning processes.


Discover credit, fraud, open banking and alternative data to advance regional and global strategies.


Use the low-code user interface to connect to new data sources in minutes.


Use the fully maintained, single API to easily add new data vendors into your decisioning processes.

Global data marketplace: Supercharge your data strategy.

The Provenir Data Marketplace brings together offerings from data vendors around the globe into one, easy-to-use cloud solution for data consumption. Pick and mix data sources to create a unique ecosystem that’s a perfect fit for your business needs.

Our Data Marketplace Platform is your one-stop data hub that offers easy access to data sources covering open banking, KYC, fraud, credit risk, verification, social media, analytics, auto, affordability and more. With fully maintained API connections to both traditional and alternative data providers, you can access and use a huge selection of data in minutes — without the worry of ongoing maintenance.


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